From: "qalee36" To: "viande" Reply-To: Subject: 您还为在开发不到客户烦恼吗 Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2017 19:49:59 +0800 X-Mailer: Foxmail 6, 10, 201, 20 [cn] 您好 做外贸的你还在守着传统的方式等客户找你吗?加入主动开发客户方式吧,帮你拿优质订单! 您好,我们是主动式高效开发海外客户群的软件系统,我们软件支持全球200多个国家800多款主流引擎; 另外还支持76种语言的翻译和搜索,可以把不来B2B和展会的客户都开发到!! 有兴趣可加联系QQ:3150058554、微信/电话:18024025957。在线演示开发客户的效果。 Disclaimer: We manually research links and contact those who are interested in Link exchange. If we have offended you by sending this to you by mistake, we apologize. Please reply to this email with OPT OUT in subject line and we will you to our DNC list. We strictly to Laws of Anti Spamming.