From: "zichanwanglee14" To: "viande" Reply-To: Subject: 降低外贸业务员客户开发门槛,不浪费时间在垃圾_盘身上 Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2017 14:10:41 +0800 X-Mailer: Foxmail 6, 10, 201, 20 [cn] 您好 国内大多数外贸企业将外贸客户开发作为第一大难题和投资点。 结果几万甚至几十万投资后,发现自己一直跟同行在抢的几个行业中间客户,价格低、客户忠诚差。 外贸客户搜索与开发软件对特定行业,在搜索引擎上面搜索有一定历史的公司企业网站,拉取目标客户信息。 联系真正高质量的终端客户,双喜软件帮助外贸中小企业,soho,外贸业务员降低客户开发门槛,不浪费时间在垃圾询盘身上。 详情咨询QQ:3150058554、TEL/WeChat:18024025957。 Disclaimer: We manually research links and contact those who are interested in Link exchange. If we have offended you by sending this to you by mistake, we apologize. Please reply to this email with OPT OUT in subject line and we will you to our DNC list. We strictly to Laws of Anti Spamming.